Product Details
About This Item
Model No: CN-6 ,58 inches long, Black leather wrap, Tip size: 11.75mm, 12.5mm, 13mm, Uniloc Joint with joint protectors
Brand: Champion Constellation Series
Color: Purple
Tiger Laminated layered leather cue tip, selected from the finest quality pig skins in the world
Black leather wrap
Ferrule: Low Deflection ABS Fiber Threaded Ferrule
Shaft: Rock Maple - Treated with Nelsonite & Special Epoxy Finish
Ring: Dashed Rings
Weight: 18 - 21oz.( You can change the weight by replace the weight bolt)
Weight Adjustable: Yes, with the Champion Weight Bolt
Made in the USA
No Returns on chalked cues as it is considered used after being chalked.